Hooper Springs Transmission Project
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You are invited to review and comment on the draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Bonneville Power Administration’s Hooper Springs Transmission Project in Caribou County, Idaho. The draft EIS describes the proposed project and the environmental effects expected from construction, operation, and maintenance of the proposed transmission lines and new substation.
The project is needed to improve voltage stability on the transmission grid to meet future load growth in southeast Idaho and northwestern Wyoming. Your comments on the draft EIS will help BPA refine the environmental analysis and decide whether to build the project.
Interested members of the public are also invited to an open house public meeting:
Wednesday, April 3, 2013, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Project Overview Presentation, 5:15-5:30 Oral Comment Period, 5:30-6:30 Soda Springs High School 300 E 1st N Soda Springs, Idaho
Audio of project update at Caribou County, Idaho commissioner meeting June 25, 2012
Audio of project update at Caribou County, Idaho commissioner meeting Sept. 24, 2012
View previous comments received during the initial public scoping period: http://www.bpa.gov/applications/publiccomments/CommentList.aspx?ID=106
For More Information: http://www.bpa.gov/goto/HooperSprings
Close of comment: 4/22/2013
- HSTP13 0001 -
harrisI used to believe that the big oil companies were the biggest crooks in this country,but now I truly believe that title now belongs to BPA.You manipulate the price and supply of energy to keep your profits up,yet you half-heartedly promote conservation,all the while the wind turbines sit idle,there is no way you can justify not lowering rates when there is a surplus of power.This kind of criminal behavior is only allowed by government agencies,if a private company used these same kind of practices they would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.No matter how you try to spin this it is called price fixing!How long will it be until all the loop-holes that require you to purchase excess power from private individuals is closed?Luckily for you the current Dictator supports absolute control over tax payers,one method of which is to allow monopolies that conform to the administratios agenda,For this reason I have and always will support expansion of private energy production,this is the only recourse private citzen have to recoup the money you steal from rate payers.
- HSTP13 0002 -
Joyner/US Army Corps of EngineersOn page 4-7, Section 4-11 River and Harbors Act of 1899 should be removed. There are no waters in the project area considered navigable under the Rivers and Harbors Act. No Rivers and Harbors Act permit would be required for any of the proposed alternatives.
- HSTP13 0003 -
HatchSee attached document
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- HSTP13 0004 -
Mitchell, Jr.View attached document
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- HSTP13 0005 -
Steffensview attached document
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- HSTP13 0006 -
Brown/FarmerMy family is involved in farming north of Soda Springs, ID. The proposed "Northern Route" as originally proposed crosses nearly 6 miles of our land. We are probably, by far, the most effected farmers in the area. Given that we as a human race need and depend on a safe, reliable, and affordable supply of electrical power, we do not oppose the "Northern Route" as originally proposed. We would ask, as landowners, that the power line be placed ON the property line where two different landowners join, and that the poles be placed as close as possible to rural county roads. We would ask that the poles, where possible, be placed on or boarder natural rock outcroppings, in an effort to minimize the impact on our farming operations. We would also request that when crossing thru the middle of a field, that you run the pole line "true" north and south, or "true" east and west, as to facilitate our use of GPS guidance systems on our equipment. Respectably, Clarke and Nina Brown Scott and Diane Brown Matthew and Cui Brown Stacy and Steve Samowitz
- HSTP13 0007 -
BauerI would like to see a map with the alternatives.
- HSTP13 0008 -
Eichhorst/Idaho chapter Oregon-California Trails AssociationTo whom it may concern: I seriously oppose the Northern Route Alternative for the Hooper Springs Transmission Project. This route will closely follow the Lander Road, an emigrant route of great historical value. Placing the transmission project along the Lander Road and/or very close to the route will destroy the viewshed of the route which still today is one of the few places that people can experience the same environment that emigrants to Oregon and California experienced in the late 1850's and 1860's. There are numerous historical sites and graves along the Lander Road and I am also concerned about possible damage to these sites with the Northern Alternative. Again, I am opposed to the Northern Alternative of the Hooper Springs Transmission Project. Sincerely, Jerry Eichhorst President, Idaho chapter Oregon-California Trails Association
- HSTP13 0009 -
Knutsen/OCTA and an Independent Trail MapperConcerning: Hooper Springs Transmission Project The path now being considered for the transmission lines is near the old Lander Trail, used by many in the pioneer days to cross this area. The construction of towers will have trucks and equipment crossing the old trail or even using it in places. If this happens, the trail, graves, noon resting areas and night camping areas have the potential to be destroyed. And there are places associated with a trail history that are not even known at this time. When those who want to experience this area as the pioneers did, they want to experience the view as it was. There are so few places left when this can be done. Thank you for the opportunity to express my concerns.
- HSTP13 0010 -
Prouty/J.R. Simplot Co.
View attached document
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- HSTP13 0011 -
millerI strongly support the southern route. I do not see a future selenium issue. The longer (northern) route expense of construction and maintenance and private land rights of way issues far outweigh the selenium issue. Also the scenic values that would be destroyed along this historic route would be lost forever.
- HSTP13 0012 -
millerI support the southern route. The northern route would impact scenic and historical routes.
- HSTP13 0013 -
Shea/The Trumpeter Swan SocietyThe Trumpeter Swan Society strongly urges BPA to reject the North Alternative due to the potential impacts to Trumpeter Swans, which are classified as Critically Imperiled in Idaho, impacts to many other avian species, and impacts to two Important Bird Areas of Global Significance. Our detailed comments are provided in the attached file.
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- HSTP13 0014 -
DrewienThe draft EIS contains many errors and ommisions BPA should reject the North Alternative due to its unacceptable impacts on wildlife, particular on avian species. See my comments in the attached file.
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- HSTP13 0015 -
Mbabaliye/USEPA Region 10
view attached letter
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- HSTP13 0016 -
Robison/Idaho Conservation Leagueview attached document
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Henryview attached document
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- HSTP13 0018 -
View attached document.
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- HSTP13 0020 -
Marks/U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serviceview attached letter
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- HSTP13 0021 -
CrawfordView attached comment
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- HSTP13 0022 -
Chatburn/Idaho Dept. of Fish and GameView attached documents
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- HSTP13 0024 -
Wildeview attached documents
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- HSTP13 0025 -
public meeting attendeesView attached document containing comments from public meeting on April 3, 2013.
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- HSTP13 0026 -
Christensen/William Meade Trustview attached letter
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- HSTP13 0027 -
Kackley2Please see attached document.
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- HSTP13 0028 -
6-25-12/Caribou County Commissioner MeetingCaribou County Commissioner Meeting 6-25-12. See attached document.
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- HSTP13 0029 -
9-24-12/Caribou County Commissioner MeetingCaribou County Commissioner Meeting 9-24-12. See attached document.
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- HSTP13 0030 -
Thompson/Bureau of Indian AffairsPlease see attached document for comment
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- HSTP13 0031 -
Santarsiere/Greater Yellowstone CoalitionPlease see attached document for comment
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