Kalispell-Kerr Transmission Line Rebuild Project
The following comments were submitted in response to the open comment period described below.
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Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) is proposing to rebuild its 41-mile long 115 kilovolt (kV) wood-pole Kalispell-Kerr transmission line between Kalispell and Polson, Montana. The existing wood-pole line was constructed in 1947 and most of the structures are now physically worn. Based on its deteriorated condition, the line needs to be rebuilt in order to maintain reliable electrical service, avoid risks to the public, and ensure worker safety.
To understand the potential environmental impacts of this proposal, BPA will prepare an environmental assessment (EA) following the procedures of the National Environmental Policy Act. The EA will describe anticipated impacts to natural and human resources and include mitigation measures that would help avoid or minimize impacts.
Two public meetings will be held to answer questions and accept comments about the scope of the EA that will be prepared:
Monday June 17, 2013 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. North Lake County Public Library 2 First Avenue East Polson, Montana 59860
Tuesday June 18, 2013 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Edgerton Elementary School 1400 Whitefish Stage Kalispell, Montana 59901
For More Information: http://www.bpa.gov/goto/kalispellkerr
Close of comment: 6/28/2013
- KKT13 0001 -
Wilmoth/MT SHPOwe have two inital recommendations in addition to culural resource inventory for segments which have not otherwise had inventory:1) the line itself needs to be recorded and evaluated for National Register eligiblity, 2) inculd visual effects assessment for Historic Properties in consideration.
- KKT13 0002 -
Lipscomb/CSKT, Shoreline ProtectionIf there are goning to be any impacts to creeks, streams or wetlands within the boundaries of the Confederated Salish and Kootenais Tribes for any part of the rebuild(pole placement and road reconstruction)an Aquatic Lands Conservation Permit from the tribes will have to be applied for. This process can take as long as 45 days to complete. The application can be found on the tribal web page www.cskt.org under Ordinance 87a application. It is a pdf file and can be printed. If you have any other question feel free to contact Dan Lipscomb at 406-883-2888.
- KKT13 0003 -
biesheuvelWe are all for improvements that need to be done, as long as the issue of trespass on private land by the PUBLIC , Is also addressed. Unbeleivable how my people think these easements are public and for their recreational enjoyment.
- KKT13 0004 -
Tillinger/US Army Corps of EngineersThe US Army Coprs of Engineers Montana Regulatory Office received the Public Announcement regaridng reconstruction of the Kalispell-Kerr Transmission Line between Kalispell and Polson, Montana. Under the authority of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, Department of Army (DA) permits are required for the discharge of fill material into waters of the U.S. Waters of the U.S. include the area below the ordinary high water mark of stream channels and lakes or ponds connected to the tributary system, and wetlands adjacent to these waters. Isolated waters and wetlands, as well as man-made channels, may be waters of the U.S. in certain circumstances, which must be determined on a case-by-case basis. If the work will consist of solely of aerial crossings of waters of the U.S., directional boring, or other methods with no fill material placed either temporarily or permanently in a water of the United States, no DA permit is required for this project. However, this does not eliminate the requirement to obtain other applicable federal, state, tribal and local permits. Please continue to keep us informed of this project. Todd N. Tillinger, P.E. Montana Program Manager US Army Corps of Engineers Omaha District - Regulatory 10 West 15th Street, Suite 2200 Helena, Montana 59626 Phone 406-441-1376 Blackberry/Cell 406-422-7527 Fax 406-441-1380
- KKT13 0005 -
HaddenSee attachment for comment.
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- KKT13 0006 -
FisherSee attached document for comment.
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- KKT13 0007 -
Jones/Montana Dept. of Environmental QualitySee attached document for comment.
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- KKT13 0008 -
BarryWill the rebuild project affect/change the access road that currently runs through our property. The property description is as follows: Twn/Rng/Sect 24 /21 /30 COS 3041 TR C-1 (W2E2NWSE) 5 acres
- KKT13 0009 -
ClarkSee attached document for comment.
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Goode/Mission Valley PowerSee attached document for comment.
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FarmerSee attached document for comment.
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CondonSee attached document for comment.
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- KKT13 0013 -
WoodsSee attached document for comment.
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MorigeauSee attached document for comment.
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MonacoSee attached document for comment.
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Malson Gray
See attached document for comment
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Hunter/Flathead Land TrustSee attached document for comment
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- KKT13 0018 -
Leland/NWEAt the Polson meeting I asked whether or not the new line would continue to have a means to monitor for thermal overload and respond by taking appropriate action to mitigate for the overload. The action might be automated or operator controlled. Before the meeting I was under the impression that the action is automated through a thermal relay, but engineers at the meeting didn't know that to be true. Controlling for overloads is very critical to maintaining the existing west to east transfer capability from the northwest into Montana accross path 8. Please confirm that the new line will have a means to monitor and abiltiy to control if thermal overload does occur. Thank you John Leland
- KKT13 0019 -
SchallockBPA, As a landowner, and born and raised Montanan, I understand the need for large transmission lines throughout the rural parts of the state. My wife and I purchased our property this past summer in Jette Lake subdivision just north of Polson, MT. As seen by the above attached picture, we have a transmission line which is part of this project that is located apx 150 feet from our deck. This line takes up a large part of the view. We bought the house and property knowing this. However, we are concerned about the change in type of power poles and if their locations can or will be changed. We are very fortunate to enjoy a beautiful view even with the transmission line clearly in sight. We are concerned that the larger, more modern towers will further impact the view and value of our property. We are not in opposition to the project but are seeking to keep our property and view as intact as possible. We are concerned about the large impact the transmission line rebuild may have on our property, and possibly, with the larger and therefore closer transmission lines, the health our our family. We are not environmentalists and fully admit the need for the lines to be upgraded. We are simply hoping to keep the traditional style of poles, even if metal, and are curious about a change in placement on the property. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Eric M. Schallock
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- KKT13 0023 -
Bodurtha/US Fish and Wildlife ServiceThank you for the opportunity to comment on your proposal to rebuild the transmission line between Kalispell and Polsen. 1. Please consult with the US Fish and Wildlife Service regarding potential impacts to threatened and endangered species that may occur in the project vicinity, in this case the powerline corridor and associated roads and other features outside the corridor as appropriate 2. Because this line is in sight of major water bodies (Flathead Lake and River), nesting raptors such as eagles and osprey may attempt to construct nests on powerline poles and/or towers. Please consider designing your project with features that will reduce/avoid avian collisions with powerlines and reduce/avoid avian construction of nest structures on power poles. Sources of information on this topic include: "Reducing Avian Collisions with Power Lines, The State of the Art 2012, Edison Electric Institute, October 2012, 159pp. Also consider: updated version of the Raptor Management Techniques Manual, National Wildlife Federation, scientific and technnical series No.10. 3. Recommend that BPA develop a set of guidelines for avian protection planning and include materials in the local maintenance programs to address bird-power line interactions. Consider the following: http://nmavianprotection//resources.html 4. Consider re-routing or if not possible, spanning of sensitive fish and wildlife habitat areas such as wetlands, sloughs, and fens. 5. Consider training maintenance personnel regarding regulations/permits concerning restrictions and direction of nest removal from power lines, reporting of dead eagles and other raptors, coordination with the US Fish and Wildlife Service, etc, under the Eagle Act, Migratory Bird Treaty Act, and Endangered Species Act.
- KKT13 0024 -
Bodurtha/USFWSPlease contact the following website to address the issue of nest structures on power poles and consider design features on this website for your proposed powerline rebuild: http://www.aplic.org/Nests.php
- KKT13 0025 -
Satterfield/Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks
See attached document for comment
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- KKT13 0026 -
Public Meeting Comments held in Polson, MT on 6/17/13Please Read Attachment for Comments
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- KKT13 0027 -
Public Meeting Comments held in Kalispell, MT on 6/18/13Please Read Attachment for Comments
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