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Midway-Moxee Rebuild and Midway-Grandview Upgrade Transmission Line

The following comments were submitted in response to the open comment period described below.

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The comments posted below were accepted between Sept. 30-Oct. 31, 2013. 

Click here to view comments accepted on the Midway-Moxee Transmission Line Rebuild Project  in March 2013. 

BPA is proposing to rebuild its 34-mile long Midway-Moxee transmission line and its 26-mile long Midway-Grandview transmission line. Both lines are 115-kilovolt (kV) wood-pole lines located in Benton and Yakima counties, Washington. The lines were built in the 1940s and are deteriorating due to age and need to be rebuilt to ensure reliable electric service. In addition, the Midway-Grandview line would be upgraded to increase the electrical capacity to allow local utilities to meet increased demand for power.

For both lines, the project would include replacing all wood-pole structures and conductor (wires), improving existing access roads, and creating new access if needed. Most structures would be replaced with similar size poles next to the existing location unless changes are needed for safety or to minimize potential environmental impacts. Both lines would continue to operate at 115-kV. The upgrades for the Midway-Grandview line would also include replacing some electrical equipment within three existing substations.

There was a public meeting scheduled:

Wednesday, Oct. 16, 4 – 7 p.m.
Grandview School District – Learning Center
313 Division Street
Grandview, WA  98930

For More Information:

Close of comment:  10/31/2013

  • MMTLRP13 0002 -  Moreno

  • MMTLRP13 0003 -  Lenseigne

  • MMTLRP13 0004 -  Richards

  • MMTLRP13 0005 -  Sparks

  • MMTLRP13 0007 -  Comments submitted at Project Scoping Meeting

  • MMTLRP13 0008 -  Ritter/Department of Fish and Wildlife

  • MMTLRP13 0009 -  Weets

  • MMTLRP13 0010 -  Clear/Department of Ecology

  • MMTLRP13 0011 -  Gefre

  • MMTLRP13 0012 -  Berg/US Dept of Interior Fish and Wildlife Service