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Spar Canyon Round Valley Access Road System Improvements

The following comments were submitted in response to the open comment period described below.

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BPA proposes to improve the access road system for its existing Spar Canyon-Round Valley transmission line located on Bureau of Land Management (BLM) land in Custer County, Idaho. Existing roads are in poor condition or lack a defined route of travel. These access roads are critical for continued safe and reliable operation and maintenance of the power transmission system. BPA’s improvements would involve constructing four to six miles of new road, reinforcing road crossings at drainages with rock, and acquiring access rights from BLM for new road use. 

BPA and BLM will prepare an Environmental Assessment (EA) to understand the potential impacts of the proposed road improvements and identify ways to avoid, minimize and mitigate those impacts. Please let us know if you have concerns about particular resources or questions about the project. BPA and BLM are seeking input through Sept. 2, 2014. We will consider your comments and information we receive as we develop the EA.

Comment Period Open: 8/1/2014

For More Information:

Close of comment:  9/2/2014

  • SCARSI14 0001 -  Pace

  • SCARSI14 0002 -  Robison/Idaho Conservation League