Eightmile Ranch Coho Acclimation Site Proposal
The following comments were submitted in response to the open comment period described below.
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The Bonneville Power Administration and the USDA Forest Service have jointly
prepared a draft environmental assessment to evaluate the Confederated Tribes
and Bands of the Yakama Nation’s proposal to construct and operate an
acclimation pond for coho salmon. The acclimation pond would be located on the
Eightmile Ranch, that is owned and operated by the Forest Service and is located
approximately eight miles north of Winthrop in Okanogan County, Wash. The pond
would be used to acclimate coho juvenile for the Yakama Nation’s Mid-Columbia
Coho Restoration Program.
The draft EA describes the project and why it is needed, discusses the
environmental impacts it would create, and lists the mitigation measures that
would lessen or eliminate those impacts. BPA and the Forest Service will
consider all comments submitted on or before Feb. 9, 2015, and will provide
responses to them in the final EA which is likely to be available in Spring
For More Information: https://www.bpa.gov/goto/Eightmile
Close of comment: 2/9/2015
- ERCASP14 0001 -
BrooksI feel the whole idea should be scrapped. If they want to get Salmon back into the upper tributaries of the Columbia, all they have to do is get the nets out of the mouth of the Columbia, by reversing the old Judge Bolt decision back in the seventies. That is when we lost all of our salmon. As far as I am concerned all they have done for Salmon recovery so far has been nothing but a waste of Tax Payers Money.
- ERCASP14 0002 -
Crampton/privateAmong the many ongoing and changing conditions and decisions for Upper Columbia fish and water issues/we should all challenge ourselves and our agencies to focus on the natural ecosystem/the river and the watershed/the fish and wildlife/the long-term not the short-term/the science not the politics/the benefit to the natural economy not the benefit to agency budget or personal gain. Whew!
- ERCASP14 0003 -
Moura/Colville Confederated TribesPlease see attached for comment
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- ERCASP14 0005 -
Clear/WA State Dept of EcologyRe: Eightmile Ranch Coho Acclimation Site To Whom It May Concern: Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the draft environmental assessment for the proposed Eightmile Ranch Coho Acclimation Site. We have reviewed the documents and have the following comments. SHORELANDS/ENVIRONMENTAL ASSISTANCE Unavoidable impacts to wetlands shall be offset by compensatory mitigation. Unavoidable wetland impacts shall be compensated for in accordance with Ecology’s mitigation guidance documents. Ecology currently has two guidance documents available. Wetland mitigation ratios may be utilized from Wetland Mitigation in Washington State– Part 1: Agency Policies and Guidance (Version 1) (Ecology Publication #06-06-011a, Olympia, WA, March 2006 or as revised), or mitigation requirements may also be determined using the credit/debit tool described in Calculating Credits and Debits for Compensatory Mitigation in Wetlands of Eastern Washington: Final Report (Ecology Publication #11-06-015, August 2012). Ecology recommends utilizing the credit/debit tool to distinguish between gains and losses in water quality, hydrologic and habitat functions. Compensatory mitigation plans shall be consistent with Wetland Mitigation in Washington State – Part 2: Developing Mitigation Plans--Version 1, (Ecology Publication #06-06-011b, Olympia, WA, March 2006 or as revised), and Selecting Wetland Mitigation Sites Using a Watershed Approach (Eastern Washington) (Publication #10-06-07, November 2010). If you have any questions or would like to respond to these Shorelands/Environmental Assistance comments, please contact Andrea Jedel at (509) 454-4260 or email at andrea.jedel@ecy.wa.gov. Sincerely, Gwen Clear Environmental Review Coordinator Central Regional Office (509) 575-2012 crosepacoordinator@ecy.wa.gov
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