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Eightmile Ranch Coho Acclimation Site Proposal

The following comments were submitted in response to the open comment period described below.

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The Bonneville Power Administration and the USDA Forest Service have jointly prepared a draft environmental assessment to evaluate the Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation’s proposal to construct and operate an acclimation pond for coho salmon. The acclimation pond would be located on the Eightmile Ranch, that is owned and operated by the Forest Service and is located approximately eight miles north of Winthrop in Okanogan County, Wash. The pond would be used to acclimate coho juvenile for the Yakama Nation’s Mid-Columbia Coho Restoration Program. 

The draft EA describes the project and why it is needed, discusses the environmental impacts it would create, and lists the mitigation measures that would lessen or eliminate those impacts. BPA and the Forest Service will consider all comments submitted on or before Feb. 9, 2015, and will provide responses to them in the final EA which is likely to be available in Spring 2015.

For More Information:

Close of comment:  2/9/2015

  • ERCASP14 0001 -  Brooks

  • ERCASP14 0002 -  Crampton/private

  • ERCASP14 0003 -  Moura/Colville Confederated Tribes

  • ERCASP14 0005 -  Clear/WA State Dept of Ecology