Early Winters 3
BPA is proposing to fund the construction and operation of two acclimation ponds near Early Winters Creek in the Methow River basin in Okanogan County, Washington. The ponds would be used to acclimate up to 75,000 juvenile hatchery-raised coho salmon. The fish would reside in the ponds from March to May until their release into Early Winters Creek. This project is part of the Yakama Nation’s Mid Columbia Coho Restoration Program. In 2012, BPA released an environmental impact statement and issued a record of decision on the overall coho restoration program. The program included the construction and operation of up to 24 acclimation sites distributed throughout the Wenatchee and Methow river basins. The Early Winters 3 is one of the 24 acclimation sites. Construction of the Early Winters 3 project involves excavating two ponds, one 105 feet by 33 feet and another 90 feet by 30 feet; as well as additional infrastructure needed to supply water and electricity to the site. As we prepare the environmental analysis on this site, we would like to hear from you. Please share your thoughts and opinions on what topics should be included in and considered during the analysis.