Lane-Wendson Transmission Line Rebuild Project
The following comments were submitted in response to the open comment period described below.
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Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) proposes to rebuild the 41.3-mile Lane-Wendson No. 1 115-kilovolt wood-pole transmission line between the City of Eugene and Florence, Oregon. The project is necessary due to the overall age and condition of the line. Our intent is to rebuild the lines using generally the same structure locations and similar pole heights, except where changes may be needed to conform with safety standards. Improvements would involve replacing all wood-pole structures (including poles, cross arms, cross braces, guys, anchors, and insulator assemblies); replacing conductors and ground wires; replacing 5 disconnect switches; and improving access roads. If BPA decides to proceed with the project, construction would begin in the summer of 2016.
For More Information:
Close of comment: 1/4/2016
- LWTLRP15 0001 -
PeabodyPlease view attachment.
View Attachment
- LWTLRP15 0002 -
WolfPlease view attachment.
View Attachment
- LWTLRP15 0003 -
Vogel/ODFWPlease see attached letter
View Attachment
- LWTLRP15 0004 -
O'NealPlease view attachment.
View Attachment
- LWTLRP15 0005 -
Rippee/THPOPlease view attachment.
View Attachment
- LWTLRP15 0006 -
Miller/City of Eugene Parks and Open SpaceThe City of Eugene Parks and Open Space owns a parcel of property affected by the proposed transmission line work. The property is a wetland mitigation bank site called Coyote Prairie North (CPN-WMB). Our main concerns regarding the work are related to altering the hydrology through soil compaction and even minor elevation changes, introduction of invasive species, and removal of native wetland vegetation. Specific comments are below.
We request pre-, during, and post construction meetings to discuss measures to avoid impacts and measures needed to rehabilitate sensitive wetland habitat negatively affected by the proposed work. Potential rehabilitation measures include tilling to rehabilitate compacted soils. We would like tilling to occur only after consultation with the City of Eugene. Also, in areas in which revegetation may be needed, we request BPA coordinate with the City of Eugene and use City-approved wetland seed mixes or compensate the City of Eugene to conduct mutually agreed upon rehabilitation.
Section 3.2.
The CPN-WMB should be considered a sensitive habitat and as mentioned in the draft EA, disturbance should be limited to an area with a maximum of 25 ft. radius. Also, we support removal and disposal of soils removed by auger.
Section 3.3.
We support all measures to avoid PCP leaching into surrounding soils.
All work at CPN-WMB must be conducted during dry soil conditions to avoid impacts to sensitive soils.
Any spraying of herbicide on City of Eugene property must be coordinated and approved by the City.
Vehicles must be washed and clean immediately prior to entry to CPN-WMB to avoid introduction of non-native and invasive species.
Section 3.5.
The draft EA contains the following statement: “The vegetation communities associated with wetlands in the Willamette Valley are generally maintained through a combination of transmission line maintenance to remove trees and tall shrubs, grazing from livestock, and/or cultivation for agricultural crops.” We don’t believe this statement reflects actual wetland management practices in the Willamette Valley. Landowners and wetland practitioners use a wide variety of tools to maintain and restore wetlands.
In the draft EA, an avoidance time frame has been identified for streaked horned lark. Please identify methods you will use to identify nests.
Thank you for the opportunity to comment. We look forward to future conversations.