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Klickitat Hatchery Upgrades

The following comments were submitted in response to the open comment period described below.

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BPA is accepting public comment on the scope of an environmental impact statement it will prepare as it analyzes the effects of the Yakama Nation’s proposed Klickitat Hatchery Upgrades Project east of the town of Glenwood in Klickitat County, Washington. The hatchery, which produces spring and fall Chinook and coho salmon, was built in 1954 and most of the facilities have not been renovated since then. The proposed upgrades would improve rearing conditions for spring Chinook and improve surface and groundwater intakes, discharge piping and pumps. The proposal also calls for rebuilding the pollution abatement system; updating sections of the hatchery building; and adding circular rearing tanks, a storage building, and possibly staff residences. Hatchery production is funded by National Marine Fisheries Service under the Mitchell Act and is operated jointly by the Yakama Nation and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. Upgrades to these facilities would help BPA meet its commitments under the Northwest Power Act as well as make good faith efforts towards evaluating proposed projects in the 2008 Fish Accord Memorandum of Agreement with the Yakama Nation. BPA is not proposing to fund fish production or to take over any Mitchell Act funding for the hatchery. In addition to this online comment opportunity, BPA has scheduled a scoping open-house meeting to provide more information about the proposal, to answer questions, and to accept comments about the scope of the EIS. That meeting will be from 6-8 p.m., Oct. 25, at the Lyle Lions Community Center, Lyle, Washington. For more information, go to, visit the web site listed below or call 800-622-4519.

For More Information:

Close of comment:  11/27/2017

  • KlHat17170001 -  pace

  • KlHat17170004 -  Bohrnsen/Clark Skamania Flyfishers

  • KlHat17170005 -  Pace

  • KlHat17170006 -  Starkin/Concerned citizen

  • KlHat17170008 -  Lewis

  • KlHat17170009 -  Peterson/U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

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