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Columbia White-Tailed Deer Translocation Proposal

The following comments were submitted in response to the open comment period described below.

Comments are numbered consecutively as they are received. Breaks in the number sequence result when comments are deleted because they were submitted in error or have inappropriate content (such as SPAM). If you do not see your comment two business days after you submit it, please contact (800) 622-4519.

The Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) is proposing to fund US Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) efforts to translocate up to 50 Columbia white-tailed deer from Tenasillahe Island, Oregon to the Columbia Stock Ranch in Columbia County, Oregon between 2018 and 2020 after breeding seasons each year. The relocation efforts in 2019 and 2020 will depend on the success of the 2018 effort. The FWS would not separate fawns from their maternal parents in these translocations. Capture techniques would include corral traps, drop netting, darting, and drive netting. Deer would be transported in specially-made crates by vehicle and boat. Monitoring of translocated deer would occur at least once per week for the first 6 months, then 2-4 times per month for 6-12 months after release, and then once per month for 1-5 years after release. Predator control would be applied on Columbia Stock Ranch prior to translocations, during the fawning period, and then only as needed. This control would improve fawn survival and establishment of the new subpopulation. BPA will prepare an Environmental Assessment (EA) in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act to understand and describe potential impacts of the proposal. The EA will also document mitigation measures to help avoid or minimize impacts. During this process, BPA and FWS will work with landowners, tribes, federal, state and local agencies; and interested groups. All comments will be posted in their entirety on this comment site and will appear in the final EA.

For More Information:

Close of comment:  9/24/2018

  • CWTDTP18 0002 -  Remsburg

  • CWTDTP18 0003 -  Christensen

  • CWTDTP18 0004 -  Rabinowe

  • CWTDTP18 0005 -  Barsalou

  • CWTDTP18 0006 -  Krotzer/Cowlitz Valley RC Flyers AMA Charter Club 645

  • CWTDTP18 0007 -  Bishop/Cowlitz county radio control Club

  • CWTDTP18 0008 -  Rice

  • CWTDTP18 0009 -  Rice/Cowlitz Valley RC Flyers

  • CWTDTP18 0010 -  Kern Trustee/Deer Island Stock Ranch Trust

  • CWTDTP18 0011 -  Roussel

  • CWTDTP18 0012 -  Dow/Cowlitz Valley R/C Flyers