Lemhi Valley River and Floodplain Restoration Projects
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The Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) invites you to comment on the proposal to provide funding for river and floodplain habitat restoration actions in the mainstem and tributaries of the Lemhi River in eastern Idaho designed to benefit fish species such as Chinook salmon, steelhead, and bull trout. These actions include six mainstem and tributary river/stream restoration actions; four irrigation diversion modifications; one bridge construction; and planting, riparian-protection fencing, invasive weed treatments, and hydroseeding (a planting process using a slurry of seed and mulch) at various locations within the Lemhi River Valley.
For More Information: www.bpa.gov/goto/LemhiRestoration
Close of comment: 2/21/2020
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PaceI had a chance to observe this initiative from it’s inception, when it was a group of ranchers /farmers in the Lemhi Valley getting their heads together to come up with a way to address ESA needs while fulfilling their water rights. The result was a fairly novel water leasing arrangement that included the physical modifications to the irrigation system that were necessary. The price per acre foot of water paid to preserve flows was fairly high (about 120 - 140) but very reasonable. The thing that distinguishes this project is the way it originated and local support. While there were “buy a deal” aspects, there was no “accord” stipulating that the Lemhi Valley folks had to be silent in all fora in order for the project to be funded. This is welcome change for what passes as fish mitigation in the Columbia R. basin. It’s a well thought out and reasonable project that deserves BPA’s support.
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RichardsIDFG Salmon office is already participating in active sub-committees.