Birch Creek Floodplain Restoration Project - Draft Environmental Assessment (EA)
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BPA invites you to comment on this project's draft environmental assessment. The EA describes the project and why it is needed, discusses the environmental impacts the project would create and lists the mitigation measures that would lessen those impacts.
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) proposes to provide funding for the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation to restore a section of Birch Creek and associated floodplains near the town of Rieth, in Umatilla County, Oregon, to enhance fish and wildlife habitat. The project would occur between river miles 1.8 and 2.7. Proposed restoration activities would occur within about a 36-acre area and would include about one mile of main-channel realignment and restoration; improving secondary channel and floodplain interactions; installing habitat-forming in-stream structures made from large pieces of wood; wetland enhancement and creation; and riparian and upland vegetation plantings.
For More Information:
Close of comment: 8/21/2020
- BCEA2020 0008 -
PaceThis is another income maintenance program, this one for the Umatilla Tribe, flowing from the 2008 accords. There is no direct link between the environmental damage to the flood plain and hydroelectric operations. This problem is about land use, not fish mortality. But the project funding requires it be included in the bribes BPA pays tribes to STFU in fish litigation, Hon. Michael H. Simon presiding. The money would be better spent if it was paid directly to the tribes, who could “per cap” it out. Let tribal members decide if they have a better use for the money than their elected leaders, who can ransack indirect costs and secure all employment opportunities for their family and friends. Such is the state of fish and wildlife protection, enhancement and mitigation. There is a very low probability that, if per capped out, the that the funding would be used to restore the Birch Creek floodplain but if they do well hats off to them. We would have a real fish protection measure. Otherwise the funding will be used to line the pockets of tribal leaders and their extended families. Either way, whether the floodplain restoration occurs or not, it will have no discernible impact on fish survival and recovery. So ... full steam ahead. Bribe the U’s to be quiet about extinction. Works for me, but the long term consequences both inside and outside the tribe’s political arena SUCK.
- BCEA2020 0009 -
Jellum/Clear Creek Cattle Co.Dear Sir,
We received a notice today (8/10/20) that the EA for this project was available for viewing online as of August 5th. So far, I have been unable to find it. This is the first communication we have had on the project and do not know if it affects the easement we have for our irrigation well, power line and buried mainline that originates near the creek and encompasses streamside land for several hundred yards before crossing the stream above ground. This location is about 1.5 miles above Reith.
At this point the ability to receive a hard copy in time to meet the comment deadline is not in the cards. Is there an opportunity to have it emailed to me? Please advise.
Gary K Jellum, Owner
Clear Creek Cattle Co.
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