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Columbian White-Tailed Deer Land Acquisitions and Translocations Project

The following comments were submitted in response to the open comment period described below.

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BPA, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Army Corps of Engineers are proposing to implement an ongoing program of land acquisitions, habitat improvements and translocations of Columbian white-tailed deer (CWTD) on multiple properties along the Columbia River in Oregon and Washington below Bonneville Dam. BPA is proposing to fund the Service’s efforts to supplement or replace the existing secure and viable subpopulation of CWTD at Tenasillahe Island, which is at risk of habitat loss by potential dike failures and sea-level rise. This would require translocating CWTD from Tenasillahe Island to locations in the Columbia River estuary suitable for the establishment of additional secure and viable subpopulations. To accomplish this, land acquisitions (through purchase or conservation easement), land management (to ensure long-term potential for CWTD recovery), and habitat improvements on acquired lands for the long-term recovery of CWTD are proposed. Your comments will help BPA determine the issues that should be addressed in the environmental review.

For More Information:

Close of comment:  8/15/2022

  • CWTD22220002 -  Jones

  • CWTD22220003 -  Pace

  • CWTD22220004 -  pace