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Public Scoping for Kootenai River Nutrient Addition Project

The following comments were submitted in response to the open comment period described below.

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The Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) is proposing to provide funding to the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks (MFWP) for the implementation of a pilot study to enhance nutrient levels in the Kootenai River downstream of the Libby Dam Reservoir, Lake Koocanusa, in Lincoln County near Libby, Montana. The Reservoir acts as a phosphorous sink, limiting the amount of natural phosphorous in the river below Libby Dam and causing a reduction in ecological productivity that affects the food web and the fish populations that the river supports. MFWP is the project sponsor and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) operates Libby Dam. BPA, MFWP, and USACE are requesting comments on issues to be considered during a joint environmental review of the project. More specifically, comments are requested on the range of reasonable alternatives, mitigation, issues, and potential impacts to be considered in the environmental review.

For More Information:

Close of comment:  9/25/2024

  • KRNA24240001 -  SUKENIK

  • KRNA24240002 -  Wargo/None

  • KRNA24240003 -  Winstrom/Kootenai River Outfitters

  • KRNA24240004 -  Knapp

  • KRNA24240005 -  Sabad

  • KRNA24240006 -  Bonniwell

  • KRNA24240007 -  Knapp/Guide

  • KRNA24240008 -  Moore

  • KRNA24240009 -  Moe

  • KRNA24240010 -  Perkins

  • KRNA24240011 -  wilburn

  • KRNA24240012 -  Boling

  • KRNA24240013 -  Kujawa

  • KRNA24240014 -  Jones/Big Bug Outfitters

  • KRNA24240015 -  Buti

  • KRNA24240016 -  Welch