Mid-Columbia Coho Restoration Project
The following comments were submitted in response to the open comment period described below.
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BPA is preparing an Environmental Impact Statement that analyzes the reintroduction of Coho salmon into the Mid-Columbia River basin tributaries in Chelan and Okanogan counties, Wash. by the Yakama Nation. As mitigation under the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act (Northwest Power Act), BPA proposes to fund the construction of new permanent and temporary facilities for broodstock development, and modification of existing ponds or side channels to serve as semi-natural rearing and acclimation areas for juvenile Coho salmon in the Methow and Wenatchee basins. The reintroduction project also proposes to use existing adult capture facilities, and the Willard and Winthrop National Fish Hatcheries. A reduced production and a no action alternative will also be considered in the EIS.
The proposal is the culmination of the Mid-Columbia Coho salmon reintroduction feasibility project, which has been ongoing in the Wenatchee and Methow subbasins for over ten years. BPA published an environmental assessment and finding of no significant impact on the feasibility phase of the project in April 1999.
public scoping meeting information: www.bpa.gov/corporate/public_affairs/calendar/
Comments are numbered consecutively as they are received. breaks in the number sequence result when comments are deleted because they were submitted in error or have inappropriate content (such as spam). if you do not see your comment two business days after you submit it, please contact us at (800) 622-4519.
For More Information: http://www.efw.bpa.gov/environmental_services/Document_Library/Mid-Columbia_Coho_Restoration_Project/
Close of comment: 9/15/2009
- MID090001 -
Johnson/selfSee attached comment.
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- MID090002 -
Thomas/selfSee attachment
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- MID090003 -
District/Cascadia Conservation DistrictSee attachment.
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- MID090004 -
BarberHopefully "restoration" means that the effort will result in a self sustaining population of wild coho. I urge you not to proceed with another hatchery based "put" and "take" program.For the effort to succeed I think that all fishers need to employ the best mark selective harvest methods available.
- MID090005 -
See attached comments.
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- MID090006 -
PaceReintroduction of mid-Columbia Coho is inconsistent with the approach in the Columbia River basin fish and wildlife program, which emphasizes reintroduction of anadromous fish stocks in the mainstem Columbia River above Grand Coulee and the mainstem Snake River above the Hells Canyon Complex. The analysis should address inter-species competition. For example, to what extent will reintroduction of Coho salmon affect or impact life cycle survival of natural-origin spawners of listed species of upper Columbia River salmon and steelhead? If restoration of mid Columbia River coho depends upon funding provided by the MOAs, the prospects for completion are dim ... and growing dimmer. The underlying problem is that the MOAs are inconsistent with the requirements of the Northwest Power Act and the Endangered Species Act and the various acts establishing and granting authority to the Bonneville Power Administration. The funding provided in the MOAs was for the central purpose of purchasing affirmations of adequacy and forbearance in litigation over the 2008 BiOp. That did not serve any useful purpose. Now ratepayers are saddled with additional costs that are borne to bribe litigants not to litigate. That situation is about to be disturbed. When it is, under the terms of the MOAs, these projects will be de-funded.
- MID090007 -
Wristen/HimselfSee attached comment
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- MID090008 -
GivenSee attached comment.
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- MID090009 -
see attached comments
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- MID090010 -
Bugert/Chelan Douglas Land TrustSee attached comments
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- MID090011 -
BaylorSee attached comments.
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- MID090013 -
GerladySee attached comments.
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- MID090014 -
ZwarSee attached comments
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- MID090015 -
McGlothern/WSDOTThank you for the opportunity to comment on the above referenced project. WSDOT does not identify significant impacts as a result of the project. Any new access to a state highway will need to be coordinated with the WSDOT North Central Region office. In the event any of the project activities have the potential to impact state highway right of way; please contact the Region office. Again, thank you for the opportunity to participate in this process. Please contact our office if there are any questions regarding these comments. C. McGlothern
- MID090016 -
Clear/Department of Ecology, State of WashingtonSee comments attached......
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- MID090017 -
Somers/U.S. Environmental Protection AgencySee attached document
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- MID090018 -
AnonymousPlease see attached document. This comment was mistakenly sent to the Central Ferry Substation project, but was moved here.
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