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Get InvolvedGet Involved BPA invites your comments on public processes, programs and projects. You can submit public comments here on-line or mail them to: BPA, P.O. Box 14428, Portland, OR 97293-4428. Please call us at 800-622-4519 if you are experiencing technical difficulties uploading your comment or attachments.

Slice/Block preference customers request to change contract products in BP-26

Customers requested to change contract products to be effective beginning in BP-26 for the remainder of Regional Dialogue. Three Slice-Block preference customers have requested BPA allow for a one-time option to switch their Contract High Water Mark contract from the Slice/Block product to the Load Following product. The switch would be effective Oct. 1, 2025, and would extend through the remainder of the Regional Dialogue Contract, Sept. 30, 2028. BPA is accepting comments on its proposal to allow these three customers the option to switch their purchase obligations. A letter to the region and analysis can be found under 20-year Regional Dialogue Contracts - Product Change at the website listed below. You may also contact Marcus Perry atm for more information.

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    Comment Period Ends  7/31/2024

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BP-26 Integrated Program Review

BPA hosted three days of public workshops on June 27, 28 and July 1. The workshop materials and the IPR Initial Publication are posted on the BP-26 IPR webpage, linked under More Information. BPA is seeking input and comments on the materials presented in the public workshops. Background: The Integrated Program Review allows interested parties to see and comment on all relevant Federal Columbia River Power System capital and expense forecasts in the same forum. The IPR occurs just prior to each rate case and is the public review for the forecast costs that will be recovered through rates the following rate period. BP-26 will be a three-year rate period to carry BPA through the 2028 long-term contracts. Topics covered within the process include transmission, federal hydro, facilities, information technology, energy efficiency, environment, fish and wildlife, and other programs.

For more information:

    Comment Period Ends  8/16/2024

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